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The <LinkTo> Component

You create a link to a route using the <LinkTo> component.

Router.map(function() {
  this.route('photos', function(){
    this.route('edit', { path: '/:photo_id' });
  {{#each this.photos as |photo|}}
    <li><LinkTo @route="photos.edit" @model={{photo}}>{{photo.title}}</LinkTo></li>

If the model for the photos template is a list of three photos, the rendered HTML would look something like this:

  <li><a href="/photos/1">Happy Kittens</a></li>
  <li><a href="/photos/2">Puppy Running</a></li>
  <li><a href="/photos/3">Mountain Landscape</a></li>

The <LinkTo> component takes one or two arguments:

  • The name of a route. In this example, it would be index, photos, or photos.edit.
  • At most one model for each dynamic segment. By default, Ember.js will replace each segment with the value of the corresponding object's id property. In the example above, the second argument is each photo object, and the id property is used to fill in the dynamic segment with either 1, 2, or 3. If there is no model to pass to the component, you can provide an explicit value instead:
<LinkTo @route="photos.edit" @model={{1}}>
  First Photo Ever

When the rendered link matches the current route, and the same object instance is passed into the component, then the link is given class="active". For example, if you were at the URL /photos/2, the first example above would render as:

  <li><a href="/photos/1">Happy Kittens</a></li>
  <li><a href="/photos/2" class="active">Puppy Running</a></li>
  <li><a href="/photos/3">Mountain Landscape</a></li>

Example for Multiple Segments

If the route is nested, you can supply a model or an identifier for each dynamic segment.

Router.map(function() {
  this.route('photos', function(){
    this.route('photo', { path: '/:photo_id' }, function(){
      this.route('comment', { path: '/comments/:comment_id' });
<div class="photo">

<p><LinkTo @route="photos.photo.comment" @model={{this.primaryComment}}>Main Comment</LinkTo></p>

If you specify only one model, it will represent the innermost dynamic segment :comment_id. The :photo_id segment will use the current photo.

Alternatively, you could pass both a photo's ID and a comment to the component:

  <LinkTo @route="photo.comment" @models={{array 5 this.primaryComment}}>
    Main Comment for the Next Photo

In the above example, the model hook for PhotoRoute will run with params.photo_id = 5. The model hook for CommentRoute won't run since you supplied a model object for the comment segment. The comment's id will populate the URL according to CommentRoute's serialize hook.

Setting query-params

The query-params helper can be used to set query params on a link:

// Explicitly set target query params
<LinkTo @route="posts" @query={{hash direction="asc"}}>Sort</LinkTo>

// Binding is also supported
<LinkTo @route="posts" @query={{hash direction=this.otherDirection}}>Sort</LinkTo>

For more information on how to use query parameters see the query parameters section in Routing.

When generating a link you might want to set additional attributes for it. You can do this with additional arguments to the LinkTo component:

  <LinkTo @route="photo.edit" @model={{this.photo}} class="btn btn-primary">Edit this photo</LinkTo>

Many of the common HTML properties you would want to use like class, and rel will work. When adding class names, Ember will also apply the standard ember-view and possibly active class names.

Replacing history entries

The default behavior for LinkTo is to add entries to the browser's history when transitioning between the routes. However, to replace the current entry in the browser's history you can use the replace=true option:

  <LinkTo @route="photo.comment" @models={{array 5 this.primaryComment}} @replace={{true}}>
    Main Comment for the Next Photo